International Bird Ringing Camps

Research, Bird Conservation, Training and Certification of Ornithologists. Environmental Education and University Practices.

The process for participating in a Ringing Camp


Choose dates and places

Here we indicate the next camps. It is important to start preparing everything in time. If you can't find the country you want to go to, ask us.


Sign up and let's get started!

Once registered we will put you in contact with the rest of the participants. We will share the details of the preparations and logistics.


Research & help. The experience!

The field work will be intense and exciting. The most spectacular and interesting birds in countries that need our presence.

Upcoming Ringing Camps

Yucatán Bird Ringing Camp

Yucatan in July

A whole month! an incredible experience, with numerous courses in parallel. From June 27 to July 27. Mainly shorebirds, mangrove birds and passerines.

One month: June 27 to July 27

Bird Ringing Yucatan

Panama in August

21 days: August 15 to September 4 - Ringing on beaches, especially shorebirds and mangrove birds.

21 days: August 15 to September 4

Manu Bird Observatory

Peru in October

In Manu Bird Observatory (Cusco) In the place (Manu) with the greatest diversity of birds in the world (1077 species)

21 days: October 6 to 26

Ecuador in November

November 4 to 27 - The Bird Ringing Fair takes us to ring in 4 different places in 24 days

Cameroon in December

11 days: December 11 to 21

Choose your camp in the Neotropics, Asia or Africa

If you have a research proposal, of a species, ecosystem or place, we are attentive to your proposal.

© 2023 Ornithology & Birding School